Md Rajib Hossen

Md Rajib Hossen

PhD Candidate in Computer Science

The University of Texas at Arlington


I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science department at the University of Texas at Arlington. My PhD supervisor is Dr. Mohammad Atiqul Islam. My primary research interests include Microservices, resource autoscaling, high performance computing, and Machine Learning. My recent research focuses are on enabling cloud features elasticity, autoscaling in high performance computing workflows running in the cloud, building, and managing large-scale infrastructures in AWS, on-prem cluster, and applying machine learning in systems. I did an internship at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab during the summer of 2023 and 2024.

Before joining the PhD program, I worked for 3 years as a software engineer where I gather practical experiences on cloud computing, software engineer, and machine learning. I completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh.

Download my resumé / CV

  • Cloud Computing
  • Microservices
  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • HPC in the Cloud (Converged Computing)
  • Machine Learning for Systems
  • Distributed Systems
  • PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, August 2024 (Expected)

    The University of Texas at Arlington

  • BSc in Computer Science and Engineering, 2015

    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
Computing Scholar Graduate Intern
May 2023 – Aug 2023 Livermore, California
  • Develop Autoscaling mechanism for ML and HPC Workflows and Cloud Environments (AWS, GCP)
  • Enable Autoscaling into HPC frameworks such as Flux Framework with Cloud
  • Enable HPC and Cloud Computing convergence (Deploying lightweight kubernetes instances with Flux in nested mood)
  • Develop tools to automate the deployment and elasticity of HPC Apps and the cloud
  • Tools and Technologies: Python, AWS API, BOTO3, Terraform, Bash
The University of Texas at Arlington
Graduate Student Researcher
Sep 2019 – Present Texas
  • Optimize resource usage of microservice applications in the cloud computing
  • Develop Resource Manager on top of kubernetes for microservices
  • Identify root cause of the resource bottlenecks of microservices
  • Develop Reinforcement Learning Agents to improve task completion time in mobile computation offloading
Goava Sales Intelligence AB
Software Engineer
Jan 2018 – Jul 2018 Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Accelerated development phase and improved business of the company by introducing APIs for providing personalized recommendations, custom filtering, and targeted companies for B2B
Software Engineer
IPVision Soft Ltd
Sep 2016 – Dec 2017 Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Reduced cloud computing cost by 83% compared with Amazon AWS by deploying a private cluster with 99% uptime
  • Improved the efficiency of a cluster deployment of 50 Node by 75% using automation scripts in Python
Jr. Software Engineer
Jul 2015 – Aug 2016 Dhaka, Bangladesh
Designed and built complete applications including backend and front end systems for mobile applications and websites



Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2024). A Dataset for Research on Water Sustainability. The 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2024).

PDF Cite Dataset Source Document DOI

(2023). Market Mechanism-Based User-in-the-Loop Scalable Power Oversubscription for HPC Systems. The 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (IEEE HPCA 2023).

PDF Cite Slides DOI

(2022). Practical Efficient Microservice Autoscaling with QoS Assurance. The 31st International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (ACM HPDC 2022).

PDF Cite Code Project Slides DOI

(2022). Practical Efficient Microservice Autoscaling. ACM SIGMETRICS / IFIP PERFORMANCE 2022 (ACM SIGMETRICS 2022).

Code Project Poster

(2022). Towards Efficient Microservices Management Through Opportunistic Resource Reduction. The Thirteenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (CLOUD COMPUTING 2022).

PDF Cite Project Slides Video Source Document

(2020). Mobile Task Offloading Under Unreliable Edge Performance. In 2nd Workshop on AI in Networks and Distributed Systems (WAIN'2020 - colocated with Performance 2020).

PDF Cite Project Source Document DOI

(2014). An approach to demand side load curtailment for the future intelligent and smart power grid of Bangladesh. In 2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology.

PDF Cite Source Document DOI


Python, C++, Java, SQL, Bash

Programming Languages

Kubernetes, Docker

Container Orchestration


Cloud Computing

Terraform, AWS CDK


Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger

Monitoring and Metrics


Operating System

MySQL, MongoDB


Flux, Slurm

High Performance Computing Frameworks


MLCommons Rising Star 2023 Participant
🌟 I’m selected as a rising star for the 2023 inaugural MLCommons Rising Stars program. The two day long program will provide me an opportunity to present my research, attend talks on latest achievments in ML and Systems, network with academicians and industry practitioners. The workshop is organized by ML Commons system at the Google Campus in Sunnyvale.
Graduate Mentor for I-Engage Summer Research 2022
🧑‍🏫Worked as a Mentor for an undergraduate student during the Summer of 2022 to conduct a research project.
An Annual Showcase of Research and Innovation from Undergraduate and Graduate UTA Engineering Students at The University of Texas at Arlington
President of Bangladesh Student Organization (BSO@UTA)
Served as a president of the largest student organization of Bangladeshi students in the University of Texas at Arlington
Student Volunteer
Volunteered at the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications Software for Humanity
Student Volunteer
Volunteered at the 1st International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT 2021)


HPDC'22 Student Travel Grant
Received Travel Grant to attend the HPDC 2022 Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
I-Engage Mentoring Program Summer Research Grant ($2000 + $1000 for undergraduate student)
The I-Engage program by the graduate office offers doctoral students an opportunity to practice mentorship skills and exposes undergraduates to cutting-edge research in their field. I submitted a proposal to conduct research with an undergraduate student. Our proposal got accepted and we got funding to conduct research in the Summer of 2022.
SIGMETRICS 2022 Student Grant
Received Travel Grant to attend the SIGMETRICS 2022 Conference
Best Poster Awards (Honorable Mention)
Annual Student Computing Research Festival (SCRF) is an all-day event that allow students of any major to showcase their computing-related work in and out of classrooms, learn from professional role models, and engage with leaders of industry and society
2nd Place in Best App (Mobile & Desktop) Development Hackathon
We achieved second place (among 50 teams) for developing a complete application within three days in a Hackathon
Dean’s List Award
Deans List Award for outstanding academic results (GPA > 3.75/4.0) for 2 consecutive years
