Practical Efficient Microservice Autoscaling with QoS Assurance


Cloud applications are increasingly moving away from monolithic services to agile microservices-based deployments. However, efficient resource management for microservices poses a significant hurdle due to the sheer number of loosely coupled and interacting components. The interdependencies between various microservices make existing cloud resource autoscaling techniques ineffective. Meanwhile, machine learning (ML) based approaches that try to capture the complex relationships in microservices require extensive training data and cause intentional SLO violations. Moreover, these ML-heavy approaches are slow in adapting to dynamically changing microservice operating environments. In this paper, we propose PEMA (Practical Efficient Microservice Autoscaling), a lightweight microservice resource manager that finds efficient resource allocation through opportunistic resource reduction. PEMA’s lightweight design enables novel workload-aware and adaptive resource management. Using three prototype microservice implementations, we show that PEMA can find efficient resource allocation and save up to 33% resource compared to the commercial rule-based resource allocations.

The 31st International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (ACM HPDC 2022)
Md Rajib Hossen
Md Rajib Hossen
PhD Candidate in Computer Science

My research interests include Microservices, HPC, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, and Converged Computing

Mohammad A. Islam
Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department
Kishwar Ahmed
Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department